Pretty Awesome
All u need is...
More action
More fighting
A bit larger pics
Punching noises POW POW
it's kool
Pretty Awesome
All u need is...
More action
More fighting
A bit larger pics
Punching noises POW POW
it's kool
not bad
All and all, it's a decent effort
that sux
Nice Animation
Make a full flash movie with a story or something
if u do
u've got my 5
Well Done
Good Work
but one thing...
you couldv'e fixed the last planet defender guy's hair up
keep it up
make these a series if they already aren't
It Sux, don't watch it
The only funny part of the whole movie is when the drunk guy tries to talk
I was rolling around on the ground laughing when i saw this
This is top stuff
keep it up.
I was just thinking after I watched the movie... How did bad crc put 'all your base are belong to us' on the roadsigns and maccers signs and stuff???
Cool styling, love the talkin
great stuff
throw in some colts!!!!
Great Stuff, needs colts
mad graphics, sounds, style, needs colts
keep it up
but add colts
Joined on 4/14/01